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Android studio快捷键Mac+Windows(全)

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迁移源地址为:《Android studio快捷键Mac+Windows(全)》


1.To Open any class in the editor quickly ,press Ctrl + N ; —->对应eclipse Ctril + Shift + R

2.The code completion feature lets you quickly complete different kinds of statements in the code . —–>alt + /

3.You can quickly find all places where a particulary class ,method ,or variable is used in the whole project by postioning the create at the symobols name or at its usage in code and pressing Alt + F7

4.To quickly see the documentation for class or method ,Ctrl + Q

5.To navigate to he declaration of a class ,method or variable Ctrl + B

6.You can quickly navigate in the currently edited file with Ctrl + F12

7.You can rename your class ,methods, and variables with automatic correction of all places where they are used .Shift + F6

8.You may easily override methods of the base class by pressing Ctrl + O ;

To implement methods of the interfaces that the current class implments ;Ctrl + I ;

9.Calendar now = new GregorianCalenddar(T) ;

and press Ctrl + Shift + 空格(T)自动补全。 — eclipse中是alt + /

10.When you want to catch exceptions thrown by some code fragment ,select it in the editor ,press Ctl + Alt +T ( code Surround with) and choose Try /catch .

11.To navigate to the implementation(s) of an abstract method , postion the caret at its usage or its name in the declaration and press Ctrl + Alt +B.

12.The Extract Varable refactoring helps you siplify comlicated statements in your code .转化为本地变量 Ctrl + Alt + v.

13.注释代码,Ctrl + Shift + / ,anywhere inside it

  1. When you need to cast an expression value to the required type the SmartType code completion will help you ,and press Ctrl + Shift + 空格 to see what happens.

15.Ctrl + D

16.Ctrl + 空格 ,The codeCompletion Feature can suggest a name for a variable when you declare it .For example ,Start typing .

17 Ctrl + P ;

  1. Ctrl + shift + Backspace bring you back to the last place where you made changes in the cod .a few times moves you deeper into your changes history .

19.Ctrl + E brings popu list of the recently visited files Chosse the desired file and press Enter to open it .